There are many universities in the world. Each university has its own special look. Each university is different from one and another. There is a list of 5 best universities in the World.
1:OXFORD University:
University of OXFORD is the first world's best university. It is located in England. It is oldest university in England. There are over 24000 students including 11955 undergraduates and 12010 post graduates. Oxford university offers more than 250 post graduate programs. Student come to oxford university from about 160 countries. Oxford university has the largest volume of world leading research in UK. It is very big university.
2:STANFORD University:
STANFORD University is the second best university in the world. Stanford university is found in 1885. It is located in United States. There are 7000 undergraduate and 9400 post graduates students. Stanford university is highly collaborative Community. It provides an un paralleled environment for Graduate studies and Research. From many countries, students come to Stanford university.
3:HARVARD University:
HARWARD University is the third best university in the world. It is oldest institution of higher education in United states. It was established in 1636. The Harvard library is largest academic library in the world. Harvard university holds a record of number of Honors and Awards with 49 Noble laureates, 32 head of state and 48 prize winners. Harvard is one of the most prestigious university all across the world.
4:CALIFORNIA University:
CALIFORNIA University of technology is the fourth best university in the world. It is also known as CALTECH. California university is a private research university. The university is known for its strength in science and engineering. It was founded in 1891. In October 2020, there are 76 Noble laureates who have been affiliated with CALTECH. It operates several TCCOIV stations as a part of an international collaborative efforts of measuring green house gases. One station is present on campus. Undergraduate are also encouraged to participate in Research.
5: Massachusetts Institute of Technology:
MIT is the fifth best university in the world. It is a Institute of Technology. It is located in Cambridge, United states. MIT offers both graduate or under graduate education. MIT has numerous research centers and laboratories. MIT invented the first computer in Cambridge in 1928. It is ranking among the most prestigious academic institutions in the world.
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